A new era of Fetching Pails emerges

When Fetching Pails (Jill Townsend) set out to create her debut album, Telekinesis for Beginners, she took on every aspect available. Writing every song, playing almost every instrument, recording, mixing, making the artwork, directing and editing the videos, you name it – Townsend did damn near 100% of the work involved. It’s impressive, to say the least but equally exhausting.

When returning to creating new music, she decided to approach the next batch of songs differently. Collaborating with Dillon Smith (Faster is Faster, Kannon) and Andrew Core (Twitch), the trio has collaborated to create a new batch of songs – “Shattery” being the first of the new batch.

Listening back to “Shattery,” there’s a clear through line to the roots of Telekinesis but the sound has evolved and expanded. The track combines Townsend’s ethereal guitars and expressive vocals with a dark and moody soundscape that culminates into an immersive wash of sound. It’s enough to break you into little pieces and then scramble you back together again.

The band will celebrate the release of the new track with a show at The 5 Spot on Saturday, Aug 24th (with Soft Bodies and Crave On).


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