It’s completely incomprehensible to me that 2023 was, in fact, a single year. So many events occurred in the last ~365 days that it feels like a much much longer timeline. Personally speaking, I narrowly avoided the tech downsizing, treaded water on the other side of that and eventually got a new job. Yes, dear reader, yk Records is not my full time career! Surprise! Despite those changes, the label had a great year and there’s a ton of fantastic music to share. I personally guarantee you’re in for a treat.
I’m going to run through each of the artists and releases that found their way into the world in 2023 in their own posts (brevity is the soul of wit but I do love to gab).
While I have you here, please check out this 2023 Sampler Playlist, dive into the full list of releases or just click on an album cover below that tickles your fancy.
There’s a thirteenth release (The Features, Some Kind of Salvation) that should be included in that list but it’s release is spanning 2023 and 2024, so I’m vaguely counting it across both years. It’s the little details.
2023 saw the launch of General Trust, a new release cadence for Tower Defense, fantastic new EP’s from New Man, No Stress and The Medium and some truly great albums from The Features, Talking With Hands, sugar sk*-*lls and Telefone. We struck a nice balance between physical and digital releases; a theme that will continue into next year.
Speaking of 2024, there are a number of great surprises on the docket already. While I can’t spill the beans on everything quite yet, I can say that there will definitely be new music from The Robe, General Trust, Tower Defense and Talking With Hands. That’s nowhere close to the full list but hopefully enough to keep you checking back for more.
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